
The No Moisture Sampling Line For All Clinical Applications

Sidestream systems sample respiratory gases through a sampling line for analysis within the patient monitor. The sampled gas is usually warm and humid and cools down when in contact with the wall of a sampling line and condenses in form of water droplets. These droplets could potentially occlude the sampling line and interfere with the gas measurements. To protect the monitors from occlusion, special water vapor permeable solutions and water traps are frequently being used.

Nomoline fluid protection technology
The Nomoline fluid protection technology incorporates a standard sampling tube, a unique, made of a special polymer water separation section - the nomo section and a bacterial filter. Unlike traditional solutions that remove water vapor or collect water in a plastic container, the Nomoline removes aspired or condensed water. Water passes through the membrane-like surface of the Nomoline and evaporates into the surrounding air, while leaving oxygen, carbon dioxide, and anaesthetic gases unaffected.

No cross-contamination
The Nomoline contains a hydrophobic bacterial filter with a filtration effeciancy of ≥ 99.9980% to protect the ISA analysers and modules from water intrusion and cross-contamination.

Specially designed for low-flow applications
The Nomoline is specially designed for low-flow applications. It has excellent response time, making CO2,
N2O, and anaesthetic agents measurement possible even at high respiratory rates. The Nomoline can be used for all types of patients from adults to neonates.

Advanced technology enables cost-effective, hassle-free sidestream capnography and gas measurements


  • > Nomoline Adapter enables multi-patient use to reduce disposable costs
  • > Nomoline Airway Adapter Set enables extended monitoring time in high-humidity environments to reduce disposable costs
  • > Patented polymer allows water in the sampling line to evaporate into the surrounding air, while leaving oxygen, carbon dioxide, and anaesthetic gas measurements unaffected and eliminating the need for a water trap and associated clogging
  • > Hydrophobic bacterial filter prevents cross-contamination to ensure patient safety and protects module from bacteria and water intrusion to maintain continuous performance
  • > Designed for low sampling flow applications and to be functional in any patient position, to support use in a wide range of clinical applications and patient populations

How Nomoline Works

Nomoline allows water in the sampling line to evaporate into the surrounding air, while leaving oxygen, carbon dioxide, and anaesthetic gas measurements unaffected.

  1. Gas sample enters Nomoline adapter from patient breathing circuit and passes through the gas sample tube
  2. Nomo polymer absorbs water from the patient’s gas sample and evaporates it into surrounding air
  3. Gas sample is transported through the remaining sample tube and passes through the bacteria and water filter
  4. Gas sample enters the sidestream module where it is analysed to accurately determine gas concentration

Using Nomoline With Root

The ISA module with Nomoline sampling lines connect to the Root patient monitoring platform via Masimo Open Connect (MOC-9) ports.

Nomoline airway adapter set is plugged into the ISA module

ISA module easily mounts to the back of the Root and connects via the side MOC-9 ports

Root capabilities expand with ISA to include real-time capnography and gas measurements

PDF Resources

Product Information:
Nomoline Airway Adapter Set
Product Information:
Nomoline Adapter
Which One?
Anesthesia Gas Monitoring:
Evolution of a de facto Standard of Care
Trouble-free sidestream gas analysis